If this is your first time in joining the DVAO, please first complete an application before using this page.

Members (start here):

Your payment below covers the following meetings:

2024-2025 Membership Year 

December 11, 2024: Dr. Panchal

February 5, 2025: Resident Presentations 

April 23, 2025: Dr. Cyndi Nguyen

Please note that you can add several items in the same order by selecting and adding them individually to your cart from the drop-down boxes.

You can return to this DUES page multiple times by clicking the BACK button on your browser until you have completed your total order. Complete your order by selecting "Checkout" from the Shopping Cart screen.

DVAO Membership Renewal For 2024-2025..................................$330   (Includes 3 Evening Meetings ONLY)

Residents............................................................................................$75 (Membership of 3 evening meetings.)


Member Classification
Enter ALL Names being paid:
ALSO Enter Email Addresses (in same order) for CE Certs:
